The dates are set. I said I like dead-lines well shesh this one is getting close. As I mentioned earlier two of my fellow graduates and friends, Yolunda Hickman and Michelle Beattie, and I are having a exhibition (of art).
It opens on the 17th of June at 5.3o pm with a wee celebration and we have some beautiful boutique vinos for the evening being supplied by a friend of mine Craig Burke who represents - Makaraka Estate and Amor Bendall. Aren't we spoilt - thank you very much.
The la Gonda Arcade on Karangahape Road is the venue, it is a great and interesting space. Keep an eye on the developments and progress on exhibitions blog: the habit of continuously running.
Wow that sound amazing. I love, no LOVE the posters very classy. Maybe just maybe I'll be able to pop by for a visit on the last day - fingers crossed. Best of luck with it please post some pictures of the opening night.