Very EXCITED about the Cornelia Parker show at Two Rooms gallery. We went along to the opening tonight and it was delightful to see a snippet of her work in the flesh. I have just borrowed the above images from the Two rooms website- they are not exactly what was on show. There was a trumpet rendered in the same way that the silver teapot is (pictured). One in tact and one squashed- I was quite taken with this piece- pure elegance!
I liked the series of smaller works also- wire drawings very subtle but still in there own way captivating and then there was, I don't know the official word for it, but paper folded and then opened up to reveal prints- but done with snake venom and antidote- black and white in coloring these were quite special (please forgive me if I have not quite got the details of these works correct)
A really nice surprise, so often the 'B' list artist is like the wind beneath the wings, was the up stairs show by Joachim Bandau, with a series of mesmerising water colours. I really like them. Very delicate. I have not come across this artists work before but I am certainly intrigued to find out some more.
So all and all a show well worth visiting! On till the 11 of April at Two Rooms gallery, 16 Putiki Street, Newton.